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Aug 23, 2007

Lotus / Water Lily

This Saturday, I was at my sister's place and there, they have a hugh pond filled with some plants along the edges and lotus and ducks (who ditry all the place with their poopy)... I plucked one Lotus flower bud and kept it in a bowl of water... The next day.... Wow (Check out below)

Lotus / Water Lily (Scientific Name: Nelumbo lutea) is also called Nelumbo scientifically.
Lotus is the national flower of India :)

Aug 1, 2007

Lake Gull ???

Lake Gull??? What is that? Well, we saw a Sea-Gull by the lake, so, we called it Lake-Gull ((:
BTW, this post comes from my Sis :)

Flower(s) of Lake Tahoe

While near the Emarald Bay in Lake Tahoe, we saw these flowers/wildflowers growing on the rocky hills...
[Post by my Sis again (:]
These yellow flowers are commonly called as St. John's Wort (Scientific Name: Hypericum perforatum). Well, this plant is special because these yellow flowers are used in medicines for treating various depression disordersand many other dieases.
[Information Courtsey: my dear]

Rose - 16

Rose - 15

Rose - 14

Rose - 13

Rose - 12

Rose - 11

Rose - 10

Rose - 9

shades at each stage of the flower's life (:

Rose - 8

Rose - 7

One rose plant but two different colored roses (:

Rose - 6

Rose - 5

Rose - 4

Rose - 3

Rose - 2

Rose - 1

Last weekend we had been to a garden where a whole section was devoted to "PEACE" and it had nothing but roses... My Sis took the opportunity of capturing them in her camera and I clicked a very few too... Some posts in the near future will be showing them all (:

Cactus Flowers

Even the most succulent plants have beautiful flowers. Just look at these ones...

Jul 23, 2007

State Capitol

The State Capitol of California at Sacramento

Cockspur Coral Tree

This is Cockspur Coral Tree (Scientific Name: Erythrina crista-galli)... These really look good, but from up close only...
[Information Courtesy: My dear (: ]

Bottlebrush Buckeye

My dear is back on track with finding the names... :).
These are Bottlebrush Buckeye (Scientific Name: Aesculus parviflora)


This time, I got information about this one from my Sis... These are Hydrangea... also called as Hortensia (Scientific Name: Hydrangea macrophylla)


These ones are Lobelia (Scientific Name: Lobelia erinus). Lobelia are available in different series (as they say)... Regatta, Riviera, eTc. There are Riviera series and are Marine Blue. So, these are Lobelia Riviera Marine Blue. Thanks dear.

Dark-Pink-White Rose

Light-Orange-Pink Rose

Light-Orange Rose

Pineapple Guava

Again thanks to my dear for the info... :)
These are Feijoa (Scientific Name: Feijoa sellowiana) also known as Pineapple Guava or Guavasteen. These are fruit bearing trees/shrubs and as the name says have fruits that are ellipsoid-shaped chicken-egg-sized...
More information on

Crater Lake

Crater lake with Ice... Below is the snap of Hillman Peak.

Similar to Roses / Persian Buttercups

These ones look very similar to Roses but they are not... What are these?
Well, got the info just now from my dear that these are Persian Buttercups (Scientific Name: Ranunculus asiaticus). I am just amazed everytime as to how does she find out the names just by looking at the flowers... genious :).Thank you Dear.


The other day, I got a kaleidoscope and took a shot thru it... Creative, huh? :)