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Feb 28, 2007

Monarch Butterfly

Today I have a butterfly - A Monarch Butterfly (Scientific Name: Danaus plexippus). This was from the butterfly exhibit in Redding, CA. There is a wide variety, but as I was late at that place, I couldn't capture any more pictures of these beautiful insects.

Feb 27, 2007

Carrot Leaves

Look like carrot leaves, ain't it? Well, they are not... they are some wild poisonous variety. If you are among the people who walk down the American River Levy towards the Sac State, you'll find a lot of these during the spring time. This is Poison Hemlock (Scientific Name: Conium maculata), extremely poisonous if ingested or if the natural oils are absorbed through skin.

Feb 23, 2007

Feb 22, 2007

Clouds 2

Rushing away to work when I caught them...

Feb 21, 2007

Spring Signs

Spring signs have started showing-up everywhere...
BTW, these are Bradford Pear (Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana)

Feb 20, 2007


Sometimes, even mistakes give astonishing results... and that's when we call it DISCOVERY :) (or ART sometimes ;))

Feb 19, 2007


Beauty in Simplicity

Feb 18, 2007

Ice Crystals

Ice crystals on green grass...

Feb 17, 2007


Good one, huh? Well, this also needs some skills, it's done intentionally... :))

Feb 16, 2007


Early in the morning...

Guy West Bridge

Pretty old one... this is the Guy West Bridge in my college campus at CSUS. Kinda a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Feb 13, 2007

American River

This is American River from the American River Access at Howe. I took this snap using my cell-phone camera, :) so not that good quality...

Snow-covered Mountains

Mountains just covered with snow... looks and feels fresh :)

Feb 11, 2007


A yellow-and-black PANSY partially in the shadow

Red and Green

This was something that I caught during the last Spring... was looking good, so, captured it :D

SFO Skyline

The San Francisco skyline, far away, isn't it? :)) You can see the Bay Bridge ;)

Foresthill Bridge

This is the bridge on which the movie XXX's stunt scene was shot. Foresthill Bridge: soars 730 feet above the streambed of the American River's north fork.

Feb 8, 2007


Vineyards from the NAPA Valley

Scotch Broom

Which ones are these, my dear? :)
So finally, my darling replied :) These are Scotch Broom (Scientific Name: Cytisus scoparius)

Plants in Snow

Feb 5, 2007

Flowers and Fern at Night

Fern and Flowers at Night, but which ones???

Sleeping Flamingo

Surprised! Me too... what a weird way to go to sleep!!!


Bird of Paradise flowers at night (Scientific name: Strelitzia reginae)

Feb 2, 2007

Pink Flamingoes

These come from the "Sea World" in San Diego.

Nice and Sunny for traveling...

This was taken from the car, so, can't say anything on the view-angle that I got, there was really not too much space there for getting a better view-angle :)