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Mar 31, 2007

Heart-shaped leaves or petals?

Are these heart-shaped leaves or petals?

:)) These are neither leaves nor petals... these are pods or fruits of this plant... This plant is called Shepherd's purse (Scientific Name: Capsella bursa-pastoris)... thanks to my genius :)

Sho Small :)

This one is so small that it could fit completely on the tip of your thumb. This one and the earlier post are the same flowers and these weeds are commly known as Redstem Filaree (Scientific Name: Erodium cicutarium) Thanks for the info dear :)

Different Perspective

A different perspective this time

Pansy 6

Can't say Reddy... is "Redy" right?

Pansy 5

Bluey-and-Light bluey :)

Cherry Blossoms!!

These are some kind of cherry blossoms; my GF will tell when she sees it :)

Weeping Willow

I tried to do the same thing here too...
...a wider view followed by some close-ups :)

Weeping Willow (Scientific Name: Salix x sepulcralis chrysocoma) is a hybrid of Chinese Peking Willow and European White Willow

Flowers growing on tree trunk!!! - 2

Actually, these are the same as the previous post, but just to give a wider view :D, i have posted some more pics of the same :)

This is Judas Tree (Scientific Name: Cercis siliquastrum) also known as redbud tree. And as usual, my genius GF has given me this information :)

Flowers growing on tree trunk!

Cool, huh???

Greater Periwinkle - 2

This and the previous flowers are both from the same plant, but still look so different. This is Greater Periwinkle / Larger Periwinkle (Scientific Name: Vinca Major)

Greater Periwinkle - 1

Spider's web

Couldn't catch this properly... as such, the Ms. Spidy was not at home :D

Weeds - ???

While on my walk today on the levy, I found this weed...

Mar 20, 2007


Rain after so many days... got a chance to see the RAINBOW :)

Mar 17, 2007

A newer model

My friend found a newer model of Honda Odyssey :)). And I thought I'll share it with all of you.


A little before sunset on US50

Pansy 4

White-and-Dark Violety

Pansy 3


Pansy 2

Dark Violet Pansy (Scientific Name: Violax wittrockiana)


This is a Calendula, a type of marigold (Pot Marigold) (Scientific Name: Calendula officinalis) ...Thanks GF for da info :)

Wild Oat

I just love green. And these are the spikelets of Wild Oat (Scientific Name: Avena sterilis), thanks to the vast amount of information that comes from my GF... too intelligent :D

Ladybug or Ladybird?

Is this a ladybug or a ladybird? If it is, why does it have only two black dots? Did its other dots got washed away?
Well, ladybird or ladybug(Scientific Name: Coccinellidae) are found all over the world and have around 5000 species... huh!!! Thanks dear, for the correction...

Mar 9, 2007


My miniature mental database again couldn't find anything about this one... but then, I'm happy that at least my better-half :) has a hugh mental database for the same... These are some variety of Magnolia.
I finally found out that these are called Saucer Magnolia or Tulip tree (Scientific Name: Magnolia x soulangeana)

Mar 8, 2007

Crabapple Blossoms 2

There's another snap for these, but no information there; so, here's the information: Crabapple Blossoms (Scientific Name: Malus 'Cardinal') I'm ambiguous about the scientific name as there appear to be so many varieties wherein the flower colors range from white to bright rad and the leaf color ranges from dark purple-red (as seen here) to bright green... If anyone gets the specific name, I'd be interested in knowing it.

New Zealand Tea Tree

Waiting for a reply here... Finally, sorted out the confusion... this is New Zealand Tea Tree (Scientific Name: Leptospermum scoparium)

Mar 6, 2007

Dandelion flowers

Finally, I got some Dandelion flowers (Scientific Name: Taraxacum officinale). These are not exactly the flowers, these are the seeds which are formed when the flower matures. This picture is mostly reffered to as Dandelion Clock.

California Golden Poppy 2

I have already posted one more picture of the same flower.


A Seagull posing for a snap :D

Life after Death

Society Garlic

After long done research and eye-watering hours in front of the computer monitor, my love finally, got this flower's name. This one is Society Garlic (Scientific Name: Tulbaghia violacea)

Mar 1, 2007


This is not so clear, coz, this was taken by my cell-phone camera :) This is Azalea (Scientific Name: Rhododendron spp)