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Aug 23, 2007

Lotus / Water Lily

This Saturday, I was at my sister's place and there, they have a hugh pond filled with some plants along the edges and lotus and ducks (who ditry all the place with their poopy)... I plucked one Lotus flower bud and kept it in a bowl of water... The next day.... Wow (Check out below)

Lotus / Water Lily (Scientific Name: Nelumbo lutea) is also called Nelumbo scientifically.
Lotus is the national flower of India :)

Aug 1, 2007

Lake Gull ???

Lake Gull??? What is that? Well, we saw a Sea-Gull by the lake, so, we called it Lake-Gull ((:
BTW, this post comes from my Sis :)

Flower(s) of Lake Tahoe

While near the Emarald Bay in Lake Tahoe, we saw these flowers/wildflowers growing on the rocky hills...
[Post by my Sis again (:]
These yellow flowers are commonly called as St. John's Wort (Scientific Name: Hypericum perforatum). Well, this plant is special because these yellow flowers are used in medicines for treating various depression disordersand many other dieases.
[Information Courtsey: my dear]

Rose - 16

Rose - 15

Rose - 14

Rose - 13

Rose - 12

Rose - 11

Rose - 10

Rose - 9

shades at each stage of the flower's life (:

Rose - 8

Rose - 7

One rose plant but two different colored roses (:

Rose - 6

Rose - 5

Rose - 4

Rose - 3

Rose - 2

Rose - 1

Last weekend we had been to a garden where a whole section was devoted to "PEACE" and it had nothing but roses... My Sis took the opportunity of capturing them in her camera and I clicked a very few too... Some posts in the near future will be showing them all (:

Cactus Flowers

Even the most succulent plants have beautiful flowers. Just look at these ones...