Please visit my new blog

Global Warming

and help me with your advices/suggestions

Dec 31, 2006

Point to Ponder...

Hey Y'all... See today's snap? Do you find something different here? Same mountains, but one's covered with snow and the other's not!!! Huh, that's something interesting... Can you think why? Let me give you a hint; this place is in the Lassen Volcanic National Park... Still cannot guess??? Well, it's still a active volcano below, so that part of the place is kinda warm and the snow does not hold up there... If you see carefully, you can also see a small creek in between the two regions...

Anyways, last day of the year today, so let's leave the old stuff behind and start everything new and fresh.

Wish you all a very Happy, Healthy, Wealthy, Successful, Joyous and Prosperous New Year 2007!!!

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