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Global Warming

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Apr 3, 2007

Bush Daisy

Found out these ones too... :) This is Bush Daisy (Scientific Name: Euryops pectinatus)


Anonymous said...

nice pics...
i have a canon sd600, but my pics arent all tht nice... probably bad zoom only 3X. DO u have any suggestions, i cud use with my limited featured camera ? will drop by to read them ;))

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
Photography is all about the perspective... You gotta vision it first for yourself and then take the picture... That should give you the best results... And equipment does not matter that much... i mean it does to some extent... but if you explore your camera Mr. D, then you would come to know that you have a thousand features in that camera which would give you awesome pictures... so, wish you all the Best...:) and stop fooling around.