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Jan 31, 2007

Out of focus...

Not bad, huh?


This is Gerbera (Scientific Name: Gerbera jamesonii). This flower belongs to the sunflower/daisy family and is sometimes known as African Daisy. Again thanks to my GF... :)

Jan 29, 2007

After hours...

After sunset and a little cloudy

Jan 28, 2007

Looking for something...???

Looking for something here??? Even I am... :D, but cannot find anything. Anyways, let me know if you find anything... :)

Fall Color

This is my favorite sites of fall, when all the colors are changing, looks just different... pleasant different

Half sunny, half cloudy...

Just when the clouds are about to leave, or you may say, just when the clouds are about to come :)

Jan 25, 2007


Aren't they nice ??? :D
With some help from my girl-friend :), figured out that these are OX-EYE DAISIES (Scientific name: Chrysanthemum leucanthemum)
And the yellow flower with black center is PANSY (Scientific name: Violax wittrockiana)... These have some 400 different known varieties :O... some in 2-color and some in 3-color... some even scented (Courtesy: My GF:))

Jan 24, 2007

Fall is around when...

Fall is around when you see such beautiful color changes on the trees around. This one is near my apartment complex which has almost all the changing colors :) Looks pretty...

Jan 23, 2007

Sunny Beach

It was pretty cold out there even if it looks sunny... see, the clouds are going for a refill in a line to their home :D

Jan 22, 2007

A Bench by the River...

There was a Bench by the River for people to sit and relax... Once the American River was flooded, the water level had gone too high... so, the Bench was in the water. Can you see it here?

Clear Sky

A clear sky with a few mini-clouds visiting...

Jan 20, 2007

Early Morning Frost - The stumps

This is one of the stumps grounded for fencing near the river as seen in the snap above...
and the lower one shows a close-up of the top portion of the stump... there's some frost there too :)

Jan 19, 2007

Early Morning Frost - The sand!!!

I was also a bit surprised when I saw this first and thought that this is worth capturing... yeah, frost on ice... well, while taking the snaps; it was 29 degrees F and for a person like me photographing with bare hands in such cold is very unusual in every-day life :)

Early Morning Frost - The grass

Lately, Sacramento has been seeing a lot of lower 30s or higher 20s in the past few mornings. Two days ago, I just thought of getting out of the heated home and check out how it is outside... and found some amazing sight... Here are some which I could capture... will be posting those for a few days now :D

Jan 17, 2007

Christmas Lights

This is pretty late to show, but just check out the Christmas lightings here... WOW... huge house... and awesome lights.

Jan 16, 2007

Sierra Valley

This is the Sierra Valley and morning 11AM... just that it's cloudy... This is the place where we had gone for skiing...

First Snow

This was some place in the El Dorado County in CA where it had just started snowing... People over there said that it was the first snow of the season over there, and I was very happy to enjoy it :)

Jan 15, 2007


Ya, I agree that I should have had taken the snap without the lamp-post, but then the clouds were moving pretty fast and there was no other better possible angle to shoot the picture...

Jan 13, 2007

At the banks of the American River - Part 3

Same river as before, same place, different angle.... so, a different picture :D

At the banks of the American River - Part 2

Same river as before, but a different spot and a different angle...

Jan 11, 2007

At the banks of the American River - Part 1

One sunny day at the banks of the American River...

Car thru Tree

Remember I said I'll show the car thru the tree... here it is :)

Jan 10, 2007

Redwood Forest Trees

I just can't describe the huge size of these trees here and I don't have a snap better than this to show it better... but just look carefully at the 3 people standing there... the tallest among them is 6 feet. I cannot even capture the tree completely here...

These are the trees in the Redwood forests in Northern California. I don't know about you, but I had read about these trees in Geography when I was in school. And there were descriptions of trees through which a car can pass easily... Luckily, I found a tree like that and tomorrow I'll show you that one too... Those trees were huuugggggeeeee......

Jan 9, 2007

Oregon Caves

How does it look? rather, what's that??? Guess... it's inside the earth... Well, that's a cave. And it's the Oregon Caves National Monument. The cave tour was awesome... I had to scratch my head to remember most of the terms that I once had learnt in school relating to caves. Anyways, there are these formations which were looking very good... this area inside the cave is called PARADISE LOST and this is the Paradise Lost Drapery... I got some info on the NPS site. Really a good place.

Jan 7, 2007

Rogue River

Power of nature: This is the Rogue river which flows near the Crater lake. It has tremendous force. Take a look at the hole in the rock. It might have taken time to form, but it's formed just by the flowing water.

Jan 6, 2007

Crater Lake - Part 4

Okay, this is the last snap of the Crater Lake that I'll post... something new tomorrow. BTW, this is a volcanic peak coming out of the lake called the Phantom Ship.

Crater Lake - Part 3

Yet another view of the Crater Lake from another Vista Point on the Rim Drive.

Jan 5, 2007

Crater Lake - Part 2

As I said in the earlier post, I'll keep posting images from the Crater Lake for a few days now... I'm completely awestruck by it... This is another view of the Crater Lake from the nearby peak called "Watchman Overlook". It's also a hiking trail and here are the details as given on the NPS website:

Watchman Overlook

  • Time: 1 hour
  • Length: 0.7 miles one way
  • Elevation: 7,400 to 8,056 feet
  • Difficulty: Difficult, steep
  • Trailhead: Watchman Overlook, 3.7 miles northwest of Rim Village on the West Rim Drive; or, alternately, Lightning Spring Picnic Area
  • Features: Panoramic view, overlook of Wizard Island, historic fire lookout and interpretive exhibits

Jan 3, 2007

Crater Lake - Part 1

I haven't been going around much since I have come to the USA, but this is the most awesome place I saw yet... The Crater Lake in Oregon. Just wonderful... I'll post some more pictures of the same in the coming days.

Here's a little information about the whereabouts of Crater lake, people who are interested in visiting might find this information a little helpful :)

Crater Lake is located in Southern Oregon on the crest of the Cascade Mountain range, 100 miles (160 km) east of the Pacific Ocean. It lies inside a caldera, or volcanic basin, created when the 12,000 foot (3,660 meter) high Mount Mazama collapsed 7,700 years ago following a large eruption.

More information on:


A lake so tranquil (you can see the trees' reflections in the lake) with pin drop silence around. Such a beautiful place to sit and relax for a while.

Jan 1, 2007


A road to SUCCESS is always under construction --Lily Tomlin